Are children traumatized by abortion images?

Posted: June 12, 2015 in Abortion Abolition, Evangelism, videos
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  1. Bad Wolf says:



  2. exposesexednow says:

    Reblogged this on Expose Sex Ed Now!.

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  3. Donna McCord says:

    Personally, I think anyone looking at these images should be traumatized. What is done by an abortion is unthinkable and inhuman. So many people have become desensitized to what is happening in this country and are disturbed and offended when the reality of it is shown to them. The reactions you are seeing are the result of shock and disbelief. I have to wonder, Chris, if the people who see these images and are shaken by them are able to process it later and rethink what they feel about the abortions happening every day in this world. Or do they instead put up thicker walls and choose to forget about it because it is too difficult to think about? Do they feel angry? do they feel helpless? I think passing out the literature is super important if it helps them understand, helps them question, opens their eyes to what abortion really is. Education makes a difference because I don’t think the average person has any clue about the abortion processes and how they are performed, what the consequences are, etc. But I am wondering if in fact the shock value of the large signs and images is helping to make a difference or is it creating further distance between those who are pro choice and those who are pro life? Just some thoughts that are coming to me as i watched the video….

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    • chrisehutto says:

      Yes, I understand what you are saying. The images should disturb us. Just like the Holocaust pictures. The reason that I made this video is because we have gotten a lot of opposition for using the graphic imagery while on the streets. People use their kids as an excuse for not wanting what they are at peace with, displayed in their town. Truly I understand why it bothers them but they should be more concerned about the 3,500 babies that are murdered everyday in their country than having to see it depicted in pictures. If they don’t want to see the pictures than they need to abolish abortion. As far as the children go, they really aren’t permanently damaged by these images but instead moved with compassion for the babies that are aborted. They seem to understand better than their parents.
      We are living during a national emergency but no one seems to notice. 23,000 of our children will be slaughtered this week. In light of that fact, I’m not really worried about offending people by the stark reality of what they support in either their actions or apathy.
      I don’t really think we are “creating further distance between those who are pro-choice and those who are pro-life.” I think instead, we are just revealing how vastly different we really are from each other. We are un-masking what is already there. We are displaying the truth plainly and if they don’t like the truth than they should help us change it.
      Thanks for your thoughts. I really appreciate it.

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  4. Lynea says:

    I liked how you set this video up Chris. Well done. And no, they don’t look traumatized to me. 🙂

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  5. Toni says:

    These images ARE awful. That’s why they need to be shown… because they reveal a daily hidden atrocity to a grossly ignorant people who could and SHOULD be doing something about it.

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  6. Great video. We need more and more Christians being obedient in exposing the evil of abortion and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to a library of videos that show how children are not traumatized by the images of the abortion victims. (I just added this current video from this blog post.) The children have compassion for the babies. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Kelli says:

    Keep these artclies coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.


  8. Prudence says:

    That’s the peefcrt insight in a thread like this.


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