Archive for May, 2015

This post was written by a good friend and fellow Abolitionist. May it be an encouragement and a good reminder as we enter into the fight. God has set the perfect and righteous standard. Let us be willing vessels.

‘For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.’
Deuteronomy 14:2
‘Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.’
James 4:4

We live in a rebellion saturated culture. America is a country founded on and won by the principles of rebellion and revolution. Americans worship rebellion, individuality, freedom of expression. Americans don’t like being pushed around. ‘Don’t tread on me.’ That is the watchword of our culture. That is the surface. Underneath we find that the truth is, our culture of rebellion is just regulated individuality.
Rebellion against standards and conscience? Yes. Freedom to immorality? Absolutely. But beyond that, the pursuit of individuality and expression is a carefully controlled and segregated. We are a culture that worship individuality in word, but conformity in action. The rebellion does not pass beyond the bounds of physical appearances in many cases.
Yet America is a ‘culture of rebels’. I am not here just to harp on the foolish conformity of our youth. I am here to talk about righteous rebellion. If I were to ask who was ready to be a rebel for Jesus, the answer would be a resounding, yes, from most. After all we are still a christian nation in census if not in deed.
Somewhere between seventy-five and eighty-three percent of our nation identify themselves as ‘christian’ (ABC News and Gallup Poll ). Rebellion is good, we like to say that we’re ready to be weirdos for God. It sounds good. It appeals to the American Spirit. Yet somehow there is a peace treaty between the world and the Christians. After all that makes sense, our nation is eighty-three percent christian, right? If that were true our nation would not look the way it does today. Does America look like a nation under God to you?

The fact is that we are not rebels, we are seldom even very different. What sets you apart from the people of the world? A slightly different dress-code? Sunday morning attendance? Those are both good things, but they are a mere fraction of Christianity! A few little things that can be overlooked since you seem nice besides your superstition.
If the friendship of the world is enmity with God, does it not follow that the friendship of God is enmity with the world?
We are not standing up! When you’re the only one standing in a room full of sitting people, they notice you. If we were standing up, we would be different. The Bible says ‘A peculiar people’. We do not need to seek to appear different, if we really follow what God say we will be different. Our nation is not Christian and if we act like Christians, really lived our faith according to God’s command and Jesus’ example, we will stand out.
We say we are willing to be rebels for Christ, yet our lives reflect little or nothing. The fact is, rebellion is hard, being the minority is hard. When the majority lauds and supports the minority, it isn’t hard being the minority, is it? But the fact is the world will hate us. They hate even the idea of a just God, the idea of consequences and accountability. Jesus is a rock of offense and they will despise Him and those who stand for Him, even if they do not realize why. For God to use us we must be empty vessels. But we have to accept God. Satan does not need the invitation, the empty are ready vessels waiting and open to be used by him. They will not remain empty, something will fill them, like the man in Matthew 12:43-45. I’m not saying that everyone is demon possessed, I believe Satan can use people without them being possessed. There are no noncombatants in this war, there are only allies and enemies.
It is hard when the rubber meets the road, when the hatred is not a vague impersonal concept of evil people out there somewhere who don’t like you. When it is acquaintances, neighbors, and friends that begin to cut a wide berth around you. If your nation is eighty-three percent ‘Christian’, than you are going to be hated by ‘Christians’!
I am not saying to seek hatred. The Bible says, ‘If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.’ We are not to try to alienate and anger people, but if you emulate Christ’s example, it will happen as a result.
Just remember, those that hate you for following God are the enemy. Did the allied forces in World War II worry that the Nazis would hate them? No, they stormed Normandy beach, they fought the Japanese tooth and nail for the hills of Iwo Jima! If the enemy loves you, then you’re on the wrong side of the battlefield! We do not need to fear to be hated by the enemy.

God has called us to righteous rebellion. True Christians have always been and always will be the rebels. Look at Peter and Paul and the apostles who ‘turned the world upside down’, ‘doomsday-ers’ like Noah and Jeremiah, John the Baptist ‘fanatic’, The world has never had true peace with Christians and never will.
I can almost guarantee that if you could go back to the inception of our nations independence, when we were newly founded, a nation under God; that the true Christians still would have challenged the status quo and still would have been hated. Even if the laws of the nation were right, they would be hated for standing for God. Maybe just to admonish people to live lives truly surrendered to Christ, for instance. They would still be hated.
As Christians, we are very fond of talking about being a ‘weirdo’ or ‘Jesus Freak’. It is easy to say and easy to rally around, but are we truly willing to be righteous rebels for God? Do we mean it? Are we willing to be hated for His name’s sake? I’m not saying that it might happen, the Bible says that it will happen. Jesus is a rock of offense to them. But to us He is the cleft in the rock, the hiding place, the shield and protector, and we can face the world with no fear.

“Abortion is only a symptom of sin. The real problem is that they aren’t saved. You need to focus on the gospel. Abolition work is just a distraction.”

These may not be the exact words of a man I talked with a few weeks ago but they encapsulate his mindset. They are touted by the majority of Christians because they sound good. They sound spiritual. What could be wrong with keeping your focus on the gospel, right? There is just enough truth in this lie that it sneaks by without being challenged. So if the majority of Christians won’t challenge this mindset, I will. I am going to challenge you Christian to take a moment and think for yourself in the light of scripture. Don’t worry about what you heard your Pastor or friend or favorite pro-life leader say. I challenge you to worry about what the Bible says. There is nothing wrong with listening to the advice of the people I just mentioned, as long as it is in line with the Word of God. Acts 17:11 tells us that the Berean believers searched the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was biblical. They were called noble for this. Let’s learn from their example. It is a good place to be. Our confidence in what we believe should be from God. When you take the gospel of Jesus Christ out of the church buildings and into the world where the people are, you will be attacked by the “Christian community.” Often the Christians are the worst enemies of the gospel and abortion abolition because they think that they have God on their side. They may have a god on their side but it isn’t the God that I serve. They will throw Bible verses at you like darts. They will attack you with cute Christian slogans that have been adopted into the modern church. They cling to them like doctrine. So lets look at the words that this Christian man told me and see if they are in line with the Scriptures.

Abortion is only a symptom of sin.”

It sounds good but it isn’t true. Abortion IS sin because abortion is murder. Sin is a symptom of a life not yielded to God. It is true that abortions occur because of a broken relation with God but it is more than “only a symptom of sin.” Abortion has consequences that affect more than just the mother and father. It destroys a life made in the image of God. Christians use this line because it sounds spiritual but honestly it is an attempt to down play what child sacrifice really is and lumps the sin of murder in with all the rest of humanities sins. They will quote verses like James 2:10 that says, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” They assume that this means that all sins are equal in the eyes of God. This is taught in church but it isn’t true. It is true that even one sin separates us from God but nowhere in the Bible does it say that every sin is as bad as the next. In Matthew 23:14, Jesus, very emphatically stated, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.” The Christians today do not want to hear this verse because it speaks to them directly. They have become the Pharisees. They make spiritual arguments against us with things like, “You just need to be like Jesus. He loved people.” They make “long prayers” while “devouring widow’s houses.” They go to church and sing Oh how I love Jesus while their apathy and laziness devours babies down the street. Greater damnation seems fitting in light of this disgusting indifference. Abortion is not only a symptom of sin, it is murder of the most innocent and defenseless among us.

The real problem is that they aren’t saved.”

Yes and no. Of course, with a regenerated life in Christ the excuses for murdering your child will melt away. When we have new and abundant life in us we wont worship death anymore like so many millions do. Truly, the gospel is the focus for an Abolitionist in our fight against the wickedness of our age. We need to bring the righteousness of God into conflict with this culture that practices and literally worships child sacrifice. The death and life of Christ is the only thing that can bring lasting life and hope to this dying world. The lost need Jesus. Mark 8:36 says, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” We are not trying to make America pro-life but to lead them to find new life in Jesus Christ. There are many pro-life advocates going straight to Hell. Standing against abortion wont save you. Acts 4:12 says that,Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” It is because of our faith in Jesus Christ that we do what we do, not in spite of the fact.

So yes, the problem is that they haven’t put their trust in Christ but it shouldn’t stop there. What about the life of the child? Is he/she of less importance? Christians say, “Well at least they are going to heaven.” I think that this is very callous. If that is your excuse for not speaking out for the millions of voiceless innocents I am sorry for you. You don’t know the love of God that gave His own life for filthy sinners like we used to be.

When I was confronted with this statement I answered with a question. “If you saw a man beating a ten year old child to death across the street would you just pray for the wicked man’s salvation?” Of course he said no, but I have to wonder. I understand that a woman going in to get an abortion and a man beating a born child to death aren’t the same thing but they are guilty of the same crime before God. The result is the same; a dead child. We are commanded to preach the gospel to every creature but we are also commanded to intercede on behalf of the children in our towns that are being slaughtered by abortion. Please consider reading:

Why do we favor one command of God over the next?

You need to focus on the gospel.”

This statement may be true but the context has been skewed. As I mentioned earlier, the gospel is central to the work of abolition but there is one thing that many Christians fail to recognize. What brings a person to the place that they realize they need God? It is the law of God. Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul…” Galatians 3:24 explains it this way, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Romans 7:13 says that, “sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” The law of God was given to us to show us our failure and need for Christ’s righteousness. Our good standards are nothing in the eyes of God. Even our righteousness is as filthy rags before Him. The law condemns us. This is essential to the gospel. Without the knowledge of sin we would never see a need for God. Declaring that abortion is murder and that Jesus offers forgiveness for this sin is the gospel. It is a message of hope for a soul lost in the inky darkness of murder and pride and selfishness. The early church preached grace to the humble and law to the proud. Many people today are blinded by their pride and arrogance. They justify the murder of their children with a smile on their faces. Mocking the Giver of life they flaunt the blood on their hands. The devil loves death. He loves to see destruction and pain and ruined lives. He would have loved to see Christ remain in the grave. But Christ defeated death! This is the message of salvation but the world’s vile sin holds them back. The light of God’s Word must shine on the wicked deeds of man. When Paul went to Mars Hill he preached against the people’s idolatry. This was because they clung to their wickedness in defiance to the one and only God. People today do the same thing with abortion. They worship it. They worship death. You don’t believe me? Stand against this work of darkness in the public sphere and you will see for yourself how deep the claws of sin and self have embedded themselves into our society. Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all he had to find everlasting life. He knew that this man had to give up the idols of his heart before he’d have a place for God. John the Baptist preached against Herod’s sexual immorality and lost his head over it. Christians tell us all the time that, “you just need to meet people where they are at.” That is just it. We are. They are in the slums of sin and repentance is the only answer.

Abolition work is just a distraction.”

This is probably the most ridiculous statement of them all. It shows a bit of self-righteousness and a lot of ignorance. Again, it almost sounds good. Almost. My question in return to such a statement is this, is every commandment of God a distraction from the gospel? If visiting the fatherless in their affliction is a distraction, taking care of the widows must be as well. And here I thought that taking care of the fatherless and widows was the definition of pure religion…This is ridiculous! A Christianity that has been stripped of its outward effectiveness is not Christianity. The life hid in Christ works. Our belief in Jesus was never meant to be vain words but love in action.

Why won’t pastors say that tithing is a distraction from the gospel? Or how about their huge conferences and revival meetings? Why won’t the average church-goer say that their youth-group activities and potlucks are distractions from the gospel? It doesn’t take much to figure out. The Pharisees did the same. They loved to pray elaborate prayers in public while completely missing the weightier matters of the law.

Speaking out on behalf of the unborn is not a distraction from the gospel of Jesus Christ. They go hand in hand. The world and the worldly church want a silent bride. They want our light to be hid under a bushel. They want our salt to be a bit less salty. We are too strong for a tongue that has grown accustomed to the sickening sweet comforts the world has to offer. They want the leaks and garlic of Egypt.

It is time to stop pandering to the whims of the masses. Let’s obey the voice of the Lord for He is worthy.