Posts Tagged ‘abolish human abortion’

Being raised as a Roman Catholic, I went to church every Sunday. I received an education in classes centered on catechisms and I participated in parish life. Adulthood afforded me to take more notice of socially charged issues like abortion and human trafficking. I was eager to put my time and talents into ministries that engaged them, so I started getting involved with Respect Life, which is a ministry adopted by most Archdiocese in America and is the organization that maintains all of the Catholic crisis pregnancy centers. I assisted with Baby Bottle Campaigns, where parishioners present donations in baby bottles at an altar call during Mass, which is used to fund the organization. I helped coordinate the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils, in which Catholic participants signed up for shifts for forty twenty-four hours and stood outside of surgical abortion clinics to pray the Rosary for the abortive mothers and aborted children so that they would stay out of Purgatory. Respect Life held the Walk for Life at the Seminary every year and had their annual fundraising luncheons in great ballrooms of fancy hotels. After a few years of participating in these activities, I was invited to serve as the Committee Chair for the Church Parish Council Advisory Board. The board served to make the major decisions for the parish, and was consisted of clergymen and the board of directors. I served in that ministerial capacity for four years.

It was at the end of the fourth year of that ministry that I discovered Abolitionism and realized that I had made a huge mistake and had been living in unrepentant sin. I will be eternally grateful to my abolitionist brethren for taking the time and energy to labor and reason with me in truth and in love to repentance and faith. They challenged me with questions such as:

‘Where do the hundreds of thousands of dollars go from the pro-life fundraisers?’

‘Why do Catholics pray to Mary and why do they do it at the surgical abortion clinic mainly during hours it is closed?’

‘Why avoid preaching the Gospel in the Respect Life CPCs?’

‘Why participate in pro-life walks around the seminary?’

‘Why vote to merely regulate infanticide?’

‘Why passively ignore child sacrifice when not engaged in these short intervals of eventism?’

The answers to these questions were eye-opening. The pro-life fundraisers mainly served to maintain the buildings and pay the salaries of the employees and talking heads. My esteem for the Rosary was idolatry, and I did not have to pray to dead people to intercede against abortive mothers, when I could preach repentance to them.
In fact, my first time sidewalk counseling after I had repented I was attempting reason with the murdering parents patronizing the clinic, when a Catholic woman interrupted me to say I had been offending everyone else present. I encouraged her to consider that those who follow Christ as Lord need not be offensive because the Gospel of God is offensive enough to those who would reject it. In addition to my answers, I realized that donations for the Walks for Life were only paying for more salaries and lining the pockets of the Archbishop. The same Archbishop that encourages the voting habits of local Catholics, thereby keeping infanticide both a little more than a voting issue and perpetuated by its regulation as opposed to its abolition.

Probably the most important of my realizations came with my broken heart. There was as much, if not more blood on my hands as the hands of someone who was pro-abortion and unashamedly Godless. For example, I had been promoting, with my vote, exceptions to abolition such as those children conceived in rape and incest. The first time the concept of the Imago Dei was presented to me in regards to these exceptions and regulations, it was like a blow to my gut. Upon these realizations, I had no other course of action then to repent of my own personal abortion apathy.
After having repented, I wanted nothing more than to be obedient to God. I stopped participating in pragmatic activities that only keep the abortion industry in business. Now, I actively oppose child sacrifice by agitating the culture that has made peace with this evil. I stand in front of surgical abortion clinics, the homes of assassins of children, pro-choice and ‘pro-life’ churches, high schools and on street corners. I regularly use signs depicting rhetoric about repentance and destroying misinformation, and with graphic images of abortion victims, all while proclaiming the practice as murder and sin and preaching obedience to the Gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus. I understand that I must expose evil (Ephesians 5:11), abhor it, and cling to what is good (Romans 12:9), and stand firm in truth and righteousness (Ephesians 6:14), while provoking my Christian brothers and sisters unto love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24) in an effort to be obedient and love my neighbor. I seek to preach repentance of participating in, and being apathetic towards the evils of hormonal birth control, In Vitro Fertilization and all methods of decriminalized child sacrifice that are in fact just bad fruits of a hypocritical Christianity.

Once I repented of my abortion apathy, there was no way I could not repent of Catholicism. My own apathy had been bad fruit of unbiblical ‘theology’ and bad ecclesiology. I came to the realization that my beliefs were apostate, pagan, and demonic and therefore did not honor God. In fact, it did the reverse. It offended Him. He hated my idolatry. The Roman Catholic system, fighting abortion, was just a house divided against itself. The pragmatism of this false religion which is pridefully at the forefront of the abortion ‘fight’, has been keeping abortion ingrained into the culture for forty three years. When praying to demons disguised as the dead, and putting one’s salvific faith in their own works, and looking to a Vicar to absolve one of their sins, no wonder this counterfeit Christianity was not prevailing against the gates of Hell.
In contrast to the practices of well-meaning Catholics, abolitionists believe that Christians are to be evangelical and therefore spread the commands of Christ, so that the dying world may repent and embrace eternal life.

Abolitionism is a movement that is completely reliant on God’s providence and not the pragmatic and flawed ways of Catholic crisis pregnancy centers, alluring offers of help like free sonograms or gift baskets to murderous women that all just turn out to be cathartic displays of lip-service. The work of abolition is Gospel centered, the true Gospel that inspires performing miracles and walking in obedience, not the false works-saved salvation that is maintained in Catholic dogma. The Gospel is the only cure for sin, and it should never be hidden for the sake of a false peace. Being an Abolitionist should be a work of God’s called-out Assembly. Abolitionism is nothing more than constantly being a bright and salty Christian in a world that practices disobedience. As a catholic, I did little more than sit there and write a check and was contented in falsely believing that I had performed my obedience. I voted for regulative bills and pragmatic candidates and I had thought that I had done a righteous thing. I was drowning in apathy and taking deep breaths as though I was safe on shore.
Abolitionists are instructed in James 1:27 to care for the widow and orphan, and not just to give monetary donations and ballots to buy us a little piety at their expense. We are to be personally active in loving our neighbor and not outsource our commanded responsibilities to non-profit organizations like National Right to Life or the local pregnancy resource center. No one should get paid by Christians to be Christian for them. Furthermore, Abolitionists require that abortion be abolished immediately and not through incremental steps maintained by Catholic effort. The ideology opposes all pragmatic, self-refuting ways of the pro-life movement that lead to the perpetuation of pre-natal infanticide. The over 200 pro-life legislative steps that have had millions of dollars and man-hours poured into them that were pushed by catholic lobbyists are not saving many children. Also, they are iniquitous decrees that God explicitly says he hates. If all of that energy was put into abolishing abortion by bringing the Gospel into conflict with this culture of death, we may just see the greatest evil of our time abolished in our time. Incrementalism and pragmatism will never work. Hacking away at the branches of evil will only make them grow back stronger and healthier. Abolitionists endeavor to strike at the root. Pro-life mentality is historically a bad fruit of the pagan false religion of Catholicism and Catholicism is bad fruit of man playing God by obeying Satan.

I pray daily that unrepentant Catholics repent of their dead religion and dead opposition towards abortion, and then seek after Christ’s Kingdom by taking up their crosses. Nothing has broken me more than having found out that I thought I had worshiped God my whole life when, in reality, I knew nothing of Him or His ways. My heart grieves me for all those I led astray while part of Papism and the Pro-Life Movement. I pray they will turn to Scripture and discover the same truths that I have learned. May they stop following their traditions of men and start to question it for themselves. May the scales be removed from their eyes so that they stop being blind to the truth, and realize that they cling to their pagan beliefs which prevents them from ever clinging to Christ. May they adopt the grace of God that comes by faith, which leads them to walking in narrow obedience. Amen.

~ Abolitionist Deanna Evans

What would our society look like if we, as Christians, actually decided to take Him seriously as our Master and obeyed Him? I know that it sounds like a silly question but take the time to stop and think about it. What is the greatest commandment? That we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. The second is that we love our neighbor as our self. This isn’t optional or a nice suggestion. This is actually the definition of Christianity. It is a command.

What does this look like in practice? The answer is so simple that most Christians today wouldn’t even see it. The answer is in James 1:27. He tells us what pure religion looks like. Pure and undefiled religion is manifested in how we treat the widows and fatherless and how the world around us effects our lives. It is worth reading.

If our lives don’t fit the description of these two passages in the Bible than we are only living a disgusting mockery of the God we claim to serve. We have made our own god. His name is Self…we love to worship him.

If you don’t love God with all your heart you wont love others as yourself. We love ourself with all are heart, don’t we? We strive greatly, our whole lives, just to be happy, just to have that moment of pleasure, the vacation we’ve always wanted, a time of rest and quiet, a tasty meal, a good book, new clothes. We want it our way…but God wants you to love others THAT much. We should be willing to give our own desires up for the sake of others. Isn’t that what Christ did? Did not He give up everything He deserved to abandon Himself to the bonds and chains of humanity? So why aren’t you? Why do you refuse? What excuse have you concocted in a heart of selfishness and pride? As Christians we GAVE UP our right to self at the bloody cross of Christ.

Stop thinking about how spiritual you want to become or how righteous you must be for bearing all of your trials. Everything you do in life is spiritual. Everything you do is a decision. A decision to follow one of two masters. You decide to follow God or your flesh. You can’t serve two masters. If you serve the flesh, God is NOT your Master but just a nice guy up there that saved you from Hell. For most of us, we never intended to allow God to keep our lives. We gave only to gain what we couldn’t get on our own. We laid our sin crippled bodies on the alter of sacrifice and repentance only to get up and walk away to indulge ourselves on the tasty fruit of the tree of good and evil. It feels spiritual to lay down on the alter…I mean, look at all that we’ve done and given up to lay there. Look at me! I made such a sacrifice. But what about the knife? What about the death to self? Are we hoping for a miracle to save us from death? God stayed the hand of Abraham, right? That may be true but He wont for you. Jesus gave His lifeblood for you and you took it. That is wonderful but now God requires something from you. Do you know what that is? It is YOU. Yes, you.

Are you surprised? Probably not. Why would you be…you have heard this before. We are to be a living sacrifice. Living yes, but that life is Christ’s, not yours. You MUST DIE. There is no getting around it. Have you allowed God to kill you? He wants to. This isn’t pretty is it. No, actually it is the greatest tragedy of history. Man rebelled against God. We disobeyed Him and cursed all of humanity with death. Creation has been groaning under this burden for thousands of years. Sorrow. Pain. Destruction. Hate. Hurt. This is the world you create when you decide to rebel against Love.

So back to the question, what would our society look like if we obeyed God? And more specifically, what would YOUR life look like if you gave God His rightful place of honor? We have become accustomed to the phrase, “you will know them by their fruits.” Everyone has said it at least once in their life. It has become a cute Christian slogan. So do you have the fruit of the Spirit? John tells us that we WILL love our brothers and sisters IF we have the love of God abiding in us. Do you? If not, why not? This thought scares me. Have we subjected ourselves to an imitation christ? A christ that promises safety from Hell but leaves our wicked heart intact? The real Christ wants that heart removed with the knife of the Word. But our fleshly heart is still beating. Why? Have we become so comfortable in the grace of God that we have allowed the world to cheapen it? To make it a license to wickedness? What have you done THIS WEEK that you KNEW was wrong but CHOSE to do it anyway? Be honest. You did it because you knew Christ would forgive you. You said in your heart, “Stay on the cross a little longer. Let the wounds of vile sin bleed a drop more. I need a bit more of your blood to wash this sin away. Don’t worry, I’ll say I’m sorry later.”

We have gotten drunk on a perverted communion. We drink the blood of Christ, knowing that there is an endless supply. Our remembrance of Him always brings us back to what we can gain instead of what we have been blessed to give. Christ didn’t die so you could buy indulgences for your sin. Do you sin that grace may abound…God forbid! How do you that are dead to your sin continue in it? Are you dead to your sin? Why not?

If you were willing to be honest with yourself, you would have to admit that you have at least one thing in your life that is worth Christ being beaten and mutilated and hung on a cross until He suffocated to death. Think about it….”Sorry God, I just couldn’t help myself.” Are you not ashamed of what you have done before the just eyes of your Creator? My guess is that you have not cared enough to really ponder it that much. We should weep over this. It should break our hearts. It broke His…

Maybe the greatest commandment doesn’t mean much to you. Maybe “pure religion” really isn’t that high of a priority right now. Maybe the Great Commission has taken the back burner. But that’s okay right…I mean, everyone else does it. You LOVE and WORSHIP your own BLINDNESS. Being blind is like resting in a big over sized comfy chair, listening to your favorite music and sipping a nice cup of tea. Go ahead and rest. Sing a lovely song about how much you want to worship God. Raise your hand a say, “Alleluia!” There is just one thing that you have to know. Your comfy over sized chair is resting softly atop millions of bodies. Some of them are dead, others are hanging on by a shriveled thread of existence. So many tortured souls, some weeping others hiding years or hurt and loneliness behind callous laughter but they are all looking at you. They are all looking for that hope that is supposedly lying within you. They are looking for that love, the love of God. They are looking for that fruit of the Spirit. Their eyes are searching for peace and hope and long-suffering and kindness….Is it there? You have squandered the death and blood of Christ, why not your neighbor’s?

Do you remember the definition of pure religion? Well, here is your opportunity to follow the example. These bodies, these wretched souls are the widows and fatherless. They are waiting for you to meet them in their affliction. Why wont you get out of that chair? Is it too much to ask for you to set down your cup of tea?

So do you love your neighbor as yourself? The answer is a resounding “NO!” All God asks is that you be the Good Samaritan. Help someone up. Set them in your over sized comfy chair and give them a sip of your tea. True love GIVES. The examples of the true Christian life in the Bible was NEVER a group of smiling people getting together on Sunday morning and Wednesday night to listen to a sermon and sing a few songs. This is nice and even good but that’s NOT Christianity. Your worship means NOTHING to God when His goodness is squandered on your lusts and when you have refused to love your neighbor. It becomes a mockery of the whole reason why Christ came. He came to GIVE not TAKE. God wants you to give your heart to Him…your heart and your dreams and your desires and your time and your money…your whole life. God wants you to give to others.

Its time to be a Christian, Christian. If you don’t want to than my suggestion is you get out of the ranks and stop giving fodder to the enemy. Christianity isn’t a fun journey. It never was supposed to be. But it is JOYOUS. The stark reality of this is astonishing. It is uncomfortable. Some will be angry after reading this but it is true.

Jesus so lovingly gave of Himself for you and the the whole world. How selfish of us to hoard this for ourselves alone. The world is going to Hell and many are proud of this fact. Be the voice that pleads with them to find the straight and narrow path. Be the warning cry. Be the watchman on the wall. Sound the alarm. That’s the most loving thing you could ever do. We are living during a national emergency everyday of our lives. Every moment another person slips into an eternal lake of fire. Every moment another soul asks you why you were too busy or too comfortable to tell them of their bitter end. Every moment death comes banging on someones door to take them to their new home of darkness, pain and eternal separation from our LORD.

This post was written by a good friend and fellow Abolitionist. May it be an encouragement and a good reminder as we enter into the fight. God has set the perfect and righteous standard. Let us be willing vessels.

‘For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.’
Deuteronomy 14:2
‘Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.’
James 4:4

We live in a rebellion saturated culture. America is a country founded on and won by the principles of rebellion and revolution. Americans worship rebellion, individuality, freedom of expression. Americans don’t like being pushed around. ‘Don’t tread on me.’ That is the watchword of our culture. That is the surface. Underneath we find that the truth is, our culture of rebellion is just regulated individuality.
Rebellion against standards and conscience? Yes. Freedom to immorality? Absolutely. But beyond that, the pursuit of individuality and expression is a carefully controlled and segregated. We are a culture that worship individuality in word, but conformity in action. The rebellion does not pass beyond the bounds of physical appearances in many cases.
Yet America is a ‘culture of rebels’. I am not here just to harp on the foolish conformity of our youth. I am here to talk about righteous rebellion. If I were to ask who was ready to be a rebel for Jesus, the answer would be a resounding, yes, from most. After all we are still a christian nation in census if not in deed.
Somewhere between seventy-five and eighty-three percent of our nation identify themselves as ‘christian’ (ABC News and Gallup Poll ). Rebellion is good, we like to say that we’re ready to be weirdos for God. It sounds good. It appeals to the American Spirit. Yet somehow there is a peace treaty between the world and the Christians. After all that makes sense, our nation is eighty-three percent christian, right? If that were true our nation would not look the way it does today. Does America look like a nation under God to you?

The fact is that we are not rebels, we are seldom even very different. What sets you apart from the people of the world? A slightly different dress-code? Sunday morning attendance? Those are both good things, but they are a mere fraction of Christianity! A few little things that can be overlooked since you seem nice besides your superstition.
If the friendship of the world is enmity with God, does it not follow that the friendship of God is enmity with the world?
We are not standing up! When you’re the only one standing in a room full of sitting people, they notice you. If we were standing up, we would be different. The Bible says ‘A peculiar people’. We do not need to seek to appear different, if we really follow what God say we will be different. Our nation is not Christian and if we act like Christians, really lived our faith according to God’s command and Jesus’ example, we will stand out.
We say we are willing to be rebels for Christ, yet our lives reflect little or nothing. The fact is, rebellion is hard, being the minority is hard. When the majority lauds and supports the minority, it isn’t hard being the minority, is it? But the fact is the world will hate us. They hate even the idea of a just God, the idea of consequences and accountability. Jesus is a rock of offense and they will despise Him and those who stand for Him, even if they do not realize why. For God to use us we must be empty vessels. But we have to accept God. Satan does not need the invitation, the empty are ready vessels waiting and open to be used by him. They will not remain empty, something will fill them, like the man in Matthew 12:43-45. I’m not saying that everyone is demon possessed, I believe Satan can use people without them being possessed. There are no noncombatants in this war, there are only allies and enemies.
It is hard when the rubber meets the road, when the hatred is not a vague impersonal concept of evil people out there somewhere who don’t like you. When it is acquaintances, neighbors, and friends that begin to cut a wide berth around you. If your nation is eighty-three percent ‘Christian’, than you are going to be hated by ‘Christians’!
I am not saying to seek hatred. The Bible says, ‘If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.’ We are not to try to alienate and anger people, but if you emulate Christ’s example, it will happen as a result.
Just remember, those that hate you for following God are the enemy. Did the allied forces in World War II worry that the Nazis would hate them? No, they stormed Normandy beach, they fought the Japanese tooth and nail for the hills of Iwo Jima! If the enemy loves you, then you’re on the wrong side of the battlefield! We do not need to fear to be hated by the enemy.

God has called us to righteous rebellion. True Christians have always been and always will be the rebels. Look at Peter and Paul and the apostles who ‘turned the world upside down’, ‘doomsday-ers’ like Noah and Jeremiah, John the Baptist ‘fanatic’, The world has never had true peace with Christians and never will.
I can almost guarantee that if you could go back to the inception of our nations independence, when we were newly founded, a nation under God; that the true Christians still would have challenged the status quo and still would have been hated. Even if the laws of the nation were right, they would be hated for standing for God. Maybe just to admonish people to live lives truly surrendered to Christ, for instance. They would still be hated.
As Christians, we are very fond of talking about being a ‘weirdo’ or ‘Jesus Freak’. It is easy to say and easy to rally around, but are we truly willing to be righteous rebels for God? Do we mean it? Are we willing to be hated for His name’s sake? I’m not saying that it might happen, the Bible says that it will happen. Jesus is a rock of offense to them. But to us He is the cleft in the rock, the hiding place, the shield and protector, and we can face the world with no fear.